In the end of civilization
and civilization II, you and your people board your space colony ship and
rocket to Alpha Centauri, our sun's closest neighbor. This was the perfect setup for a
sequel, and for years, fans have been waiting for that game that would let you continue
the success of your civilization into space... Mankind has finally researched practical
space travel and is colonizing the stars. The first stop is the planet of Alpha Centauri.
However, when the UN starship unity finally gets to its destination orbit, its captain is
murdered and the crew splits into seven factions, each led by a distinct personality with
his own philosophy believing the best way to colonize the planet. Each faction then takes
a colony pod and lands on the planet to build an empire from scratch, mirroring the start
of civilization. Rather then being a star-spanning game in the same vein as master of
Orion, Alpha Centauri restricts you to the game's namesake.-The fighting factions:One
of the improvements in Alpha Centauri is the greater distinction between civilizations.
There are seven sides, called factions, and each has it owns agenda, special abilities and
penalties, and its distinct leader. Some are ruthless soldiers while others are diplomats
or scientists. You are one of the seven factions. Gaia's stepdaughters
Human Hive
Morgan industries CEO Peacekeeping forcesSpartan FederationThe Lord's BelieversUniversity of planetIII- the game looks What about it? The first
improvement that you'll see is a more informative interface. The interface is more
helpful, with a lot of information now offered up front on your display: On the planetary
display you can see the population and next build order at each city; the unit view shows
the unit's attack, defense and movement points. Another display can show a comparison
chart bar graph of faction dominance; an account of the leaders in wealth, territory,
military strength, or technology, a quick summary of your empire's current state, and
finally small dossiers on world leaders. But the immediate difference between civilization
and Alpha Centauri is the look of the planet itself. Alpha Centaurie features simulated 3D
terrain that depicts varying levels of elevation. It offers a realistic 3D view where the
mountains and hills now rise up, of the ground, and river valleys seem to sink into it.
Youll also discover some 2D-world objects, such as monoliths, kelp farms, and mines.
Finally this 3D-topography device makes the planet much more realistic giving you an urge
to plunge into the game. What about the units look? Well like the terrain, the units in
Alpha Centauri also make jump to pseudi-3D. Firaxis is using the proprietary Caviar
technology, which renders objects as 3D spriter. Finally the animation is pretty sparse
but the units do rotate in the building of the terrain. The sound is the next game aspect
that draws your attention. Unfortunately, its quality is similar to that of Civilization
II forming a weak spot in the game. The canned sound effects that accompany attacks,
riots, and building orders will be familiar as you proceed through the game. However
you'll get to see high quality full-motion video clips symbolizing or summarizing the
project benefits. Finally this new game, developed by Firaxis seems to be very strategic
in which gamers will want to dig a lot because the gameplay is where this game really